It is no exaggeration to say that international public sector procurement exercises create significant opportunities for corrupt public officials to solicit substantial bribes from corporations and companies bidding to win and who in fact succeed in winning large public sector contracts. Public sector procurement globally is a fertile ground for corruption and the risks encountered by bidders is real and ever present.
Barristers within Pavocat Chambers have extensive knowledge and experience in assisting and, if necessary, defending entities who have fallen foul of the activities of corrupt public officials at all levels. We can advise on strategies for participating in international procurement that reduce and minimise the corruption risks, whilst at the same time not adversely affecting a company’s competitiveness or ability to win the bid.
Members of Chambers are open to instructions from States, international governmental and non-international governmental organisations, corporations and multinational companies who wish to improve the integrity and robustness of their procurement systems or who wish to retain counsel to enhance the level of counter-corruption training provided to those involved in the procurement process.