


  • Prosecutorial guidance, assistance and imbedded support;
    Highly practical counter corruption training courses for the police, prosecution and judiciary;
  • Law Reform Services:
    • Design of or improvements to counter corruption systems and architecture;
    • Revision of criminal justice systems and mechanisms; and
    • Legislative drafting
  • Combating Grand Corruption and State Capture;
  • Dealing with Kleptocracy;
  • Asset identification, tracing and recovery;
  • Preservation of immunities;
  • Independent investigative services;
  • Truth & Reconciliation Commission services;
  • Corruption Arbitration & Mediation; and
  • Advice and representation in public international law matters, including human rights and advice and training to armed services on all aspects of international humanitarian law.


  • Global, transnational and multijurisdictional defence services covering all aspects of corruption and its associated offences of fraud, collusion, money laundering, terrorist financing etc;
  • Representation within the sanctions regimes operated by the multilateral development banks, such as the AfDB, AsDB, EBRD, IDB, World Bank Group etc:
    • Fully contested defence leading to advocacy during hearings;
    • Negotiated settlements; and
    • Negotiated entry into voluntary disclosure programmes
  • Piercing and contesting State and IGO immunities from legal suit;
  • Dealing with historical corruption problems in e.g., large-scale public-sector procurement projects financed by the MDBs, IFI etc
  • Facilitating and protecting moves into high risk corruption jurisdictions;
  • Internal investigations;
  • Design, implementation and monitoring of benchmarked Integrity Compliance Programmes;
  • Outsourced compliance service;
  • In house compliance training;
  • Representation in arbitral and mediation proceedings; and
  • Advice, guidance and training on how to conduct business ethically and in a sustainable manner.


  • Global, transnational and multijurisdictional defence services;
  • Representation within the sanctions regimes operated by the multilateral development banks, such as the AfDB, AsDB, EBRD, IDB, World Bank Group etc:
    • Fully contested defence case leading to advocacy during hearings;
    • Negotiated settlements; and
    • Negotiated entry into voluntary disclosure programmes
  • Representation and protection of whistle-blowers; AND
  • Global representation of international civil servants (i.e., the employees of international governmental organisations, such as the United Nations and its Specialised Agencies (e.g., the World Bank Group, the IMF etc)) in their international employment law (i.e., International Administrative Law) disputes before grievance, administrative and disciplinary committees, Peer Review and Dispute, Appeal and Administrative Tribunals.


  • High level investigative and prosecutorial services;
  • Counter corruption, human rights and IHL training;
  • Improvements to and redesign of internal justice and sanctions mechanisms;
  • Policy advice and drafting; and
  • Protection and preservation of privileges and immunities.